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The tool: Monday.com

One of the most comprehensive and organized planning tools is Monday. Within Monday, you can manage and keep track of a lot of things. Think of project and task management, monitoring your colleagues’ work capacity, and handling client projects. All these processes then fall within a single workspace, giving you insight into progress anytime and anywhere.

Captured down to the smallest detail In Monday, you can capture everything down to the smallest detail. You start by planning through creating a board for each project. Here, you can add columns such as employees working on it, deadlines, status indicators, and tags.

You can decide how much you want to capture. When working on large projects, it can be useful to add different status indicators, indicating which tasks have priorities and whether they have been taken into consideration.

Visual insight You can not only enter each individual task in Monday but also visualize them in various ways. For instance, you can track tasks not just in lists but also display them based on workload, showing who is busy and who isn’t.

Collaboration Additionally, you can easily tag colleagues in messages, making collaboration and sharing feedback more straightforward. Or you can use the direct Zoom integration to quickly start a meeting with colleagues.

You can also link various other tools you use to Monday. Consider Gmail, Mailchimp, Slack, or Google Calendar, for example. All crucial information from these applications can be integrated into Monday.

Automated It’s also possible to automate certain processes to ensure that all workflows are executed correctly and, of course, to save time. For instance, you can set up that when a project’s status changes, it automatically moves to another folder or environment for the next action.

With Monday, you maintain an overview of all your projects and can easily collaborate with colleagues, no matter where they are in the world. Learn More. 

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